New Delhi. TV actress Aarti Singh may not be in the news for her profession but she is gathering discussions about her personal life. Recently, the actress shared an unseen video of her brother and birthday boy Krishna Abhishek. In the video, she was seen spending time with husband Deepak Chauhan in the pool. Now their swimming pool video has gone viral and after watching it everyone is left speechless. In the video that has surfaced, Aarti is seen sitting on her husband’s shoulders wearing a swimsuit. Along with this, she is seen laughing and joking with him in the water. Some people are liking her bold style, while some find her video very vulgar and useless.
This video of Aarti Singh has also been shared by Bollywood camera person Viral Bhayani on his Instagram. While sharing it, it has been told that this is from Krishna Abhishek’s birthday bash. Where Aarti had reached with her husband and sister-in-law Kashmira Shah. In this video, you can see that Aarti is seen sitting on her husband’s shoulders wearing a swimsuit. Both of them get climaxed for the photo, during which her husband loses his balance and Aarti falls into the water with a thud.