New Delhi. Bollywood star Ranveer Singh has given a special gift to his fans. He has announced his new film through a post on social media. Although Ranveer Singh has not revealed the title of the film yet, he has definitely told with which stars he is going to share the screen in the film. Along with this, he has also revealed who will be the director of the film.
Ranveer Singh has shared a collage photo on his Instagram handle, in which Sanjay Dutt, R Madhavan, Akshay Khanna, Arjun Rampal and director Aditya Dhar are seen with him. Ranveer Singh wrote in the caption, ‘This is for my fans, who have been very patient with me and have been demanding such a film for some time. I love you guys very much.’
(Photo courtesy- instagram@ranveersingh)
Ranveer Singh made a special promise to his fans
The actor further wrote, ‘I promise that this time you will get a cinematic experience like never before. With your blessings, we are bringing the film with full energy and true intention. This time the matter is personal.’
Aditya Dhar took up the responsibility of direction
Aditya Dhar will direct this new film of Ranveer Singh. Earlier, Aditya Dhar had made the film ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ with Vicky Kaushal, which proved to be a blockbuster with earnings of 350 crores at the box office. Aditya Dhar received the National Award for Best Direction for ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’.
Ranveer Singh romanced Alia Bhatt in this film
Let us tell you that Ranveer Singh was last seen in the film ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’. In this, he shared the screen with Alia Bhatt. This was a romantic-drama film, which was directed by Karan Johar. After release, ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’ proved to be a big hit at the box office.
Tags: Aditya Dhar, Akshaye Khanna, Entertainment news., Ranveer Singh, sanjay dutt
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 27, 2024, 13:24 IST