Nicholas Spinelli also wins Race 2

Nicholas Spinelli completes the double whammy at Le Mans! The Tech3 driver also wins the second one [ahref=”” target=”_self” linktext=”MotoE” inline=”true”]-race on the Bugatti Circuit and thus shortens his championship gap to Mattia Casadei, who narrowly admits defeat after a thrilling duel for victory. Oscar Gutierrez completes the podium in third place, Lukas Tulovic finishes sixth in the points. Polesitter Hector Garzo crashes again.

MotoE in France – Race 2: The racing film

The starting lineup: 1. Garzo, 2. Spinelli, 3. Granado, 4. Casadei, 5. Gutierrez, 6. Torres, 7. Zaccone, 8. Pons, 9. Tulovic, 10. Zannoni, 11. Mantovani, 12. Finello,13. Manfredi, 14. Ferrari, 15. Roccoli, 16. Davies, 17. Herrera, 18. Pontone

Begin: Hector Garzo initially defends first place, but in turn 3 Nicholas Spinelli passes on the inside. Behind them are Mattiac Casadei, Oscar Gutierrez and Alessandro Zaccone. Lukas Tulovic falls back to tenth place.

1 round: Garzo loses another position to Casadei in turn 5 after going a bit wide there. Only third place for the pole sitter.

2nd round: Change of leadership! Casadei uses the slipstream and shoots past Spinelli in Turn 1. As the lap continued, Garzo also attacked Spinelli, but he was able to stay ahead. However, due to the duel between the two, Casadei is slightly ahead.

3rd round: Garzo crashes on turn 11, he’s out!

4th round: Casadei’s attempt to escape failed. Spinelli caught up with him again and overtook him on the way to turn three and he is leading again.

Armando Portone crashes in turn 6, and at the end of the lap Eric Granado also crashes in turn 13.

7th and penultimate round: Casadei hangs close to Spinelli’s rear wheel, but refrains from attacking. Gutierrez and Zaccone are probably too far behind to have a say in the victory.

8th and final round: Spinelli goes a little wide in turn 5, which allows Casadei to briefly break through on the inside lane. They go side by side into turn six, where Spinelli again has the inside line and can defend the lead. Casadei stays on, but then can’t find a way around.

Jordi Torres falls in the chasing field.

Finish line: Double victory for Spinelli at Le Mans! He also wins the second race of the day. Casadei had to narrowly admit defeat, Gutierrez came third. Zaccone follows in fourth place, then Andrea Mantovani and Lukas Tulovic. Miquel Pons finished the race in seventh place, closely followed by Matteo Ferrari and Kevin Zannoni. Alessio Finello completes the top ten. The final points go to: Kevin Manfredi (11th), Chaz Davies (12th), Massimo Roccoli (13th) and Maria Herrera (14th).

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