New Delhi. Bollywood actor Rajkumar Rao’s much awaited film ‘Srikanth’ has hit the theaters on Friday i.e. 10th May. This movie has received good reviews from critics and the audience is also not tired of praising it. Not only the story of the film but Rajkumar Rao has won the hearts of people with his powerful performance. However, the film has had a slow start at the box office. Know how many crores of business Rajkumar Rao’s ‘Srikanth’ has done on the first day.
Despite getting positive reviews, the opening of ‘Srikanth’ has been low. According to the report of Sacknilk, Rajkummar Rao’s film has done a business of Rs 2.25 crore across the country on the first day. However, this is an early estimate. There may be slight changes in the collection figures after the arrival of official data. However, the film may get the benefit of word of mouth on the weekend. Now it remains to be seen how well the movie performs at the box office on Saturday and Sunday.
What is the story of ‘Srikanth’?
‘Srikanth’ is the biopic of famous industrialist Shrikant Bola who has been blind since childhood. His entire journey has been narrated in the film, how he had great interest in studies since childhood. After 10th, he wanted to study science but he did not get admission in any junior college and then he approached the court. After this, he gets to study in the world’s most prestigious university, MIT, and then he starts Bolant Industry with a partner.
FIRST PUBLISHED: May 11, 2024, 08:12 IST