New Delhi. Actress and social media influencer Kusha Kapila has made a special place in the hearts of people with just one or two of her characters. The actress is now everywhere. She has surprised the audience with her characters in films. Kusha remains in the news for her personal life along with her professional life. Now the actress’s husband Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia has broken his silence for the first time after the divorce.
Everyone was shocked when the news of Kusha Kapila’s divorce came out suddenly. No one could believe that this couple could separate. After the divorce, both Kusha and Zoravar are living their lives. Now for the first time, the actress’s husband Zoravar has come forward and said something after the divorce. He said that he is completely ready to love again.
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ready to love again
The actress’ husband Zoravar has expressed his opinion for the first time after the divorce in his interview to MensXp. He said, ‘It is completely new for me to see this phase after coming out of a relationship. My 11-year-old relationship has ended. I am going to shift to my new house in a few days. I am not alone in facing all this, my family is also with me in this.
Becoming a better person by enduring hardships
Putting his point forward, he said that after my relationship broke up, I have faced a lot of difficulties. It is by facing these difficulties that I have become a better person. If I fall in love with someone, then I know how to live with them.’ Zorawar does not have any objection to falling in love again. He says that he has come back on the dating app. He wants to find love again in his life.
Let us tell you that now Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia has also become a social media influencer. Kusha and Zorawar got married in the year 2017 after dating. This marriage lasted only 6 years and the couple separated.
Tags: Bollywood actress, Bollywood News, shilpa shetty
FIRST PUBLISHED : June 11, 2024, 13:32 IST