New Delhi. Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya is a well-known name on the small screen. Actress Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya, who has played lead roles in serials like ‘Banoo Main Teri Dulhan’ and ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’, has created a special place among the audience. Recently, this top TV actress was seen engrossed in devotion to Shiva with her husband Vivek Dahiya. Divyanka included fans in her prayers by sharing photos on social media.
He shared a series of pictures on Instagram, in which the couple can be seen worshiping in a temple. However, the actress has not revealed the location of the temple in the post. In these photos, Divyanka is seen wearing a navy blue suit. Her husband and actor Vivek Dahiya is wearing a white T-shirt and blue denim jeans.
FIRST PUBLISHED: May 14, 2024, 19:41 IST