Samson Historical Lives in the Past by Embracing the Future

In 2012, not long after he decided to dedicate his professional life to 18th-century wares, Casey…

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Are You Having a Millennial Mom Midlife Crisis?

Call it the millennial mother midlife crisis, or M.M.M.C. The hallmark of an M.M.M.C. isn’t going…

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A Panorama of Design Products

This article is part of our Design special section about water as a source of creativity.…

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Is Everything an A.S.M.R. Video Now?

A person, typically a woman, is talking gently into a microphone. She’s paying close attention to…

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Can Wastewater Recycling Systems Solve Water Scarcity?

This article is part of our Design special section about water as a source of creativity.…

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Couples Choose Traveling Over Planning a Big Wedding

In October 2023, Oscar Avilez Marquina and Luis Lopez, newlyweds from New York, flew to Europe…

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No sabíamos que era la última vez

Llamé al gimnasio desde el auto. La mujer que me atendió fue amable y servicial, y…

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Inside Miss USA Turmoil: A Leaked Letter and String of Resignations

When the reigning Miss USA, Noelia Voigt, announced this week she would be resigning from her…

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The Black Female Artists Redefining Minimalism

JENNIE C. JONES was a 20-year-old art student when she first saw the work of the…

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Molly Baz’s Lactation Cookie Ad Banned From Times Square

An ethereal-looking image of Molly Baz, the cookbook author, with her pregnant belly exposed and her…

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