No second Abu Dhabi 2021

After the Austrian Grand Prix, Formula 1 has had another track limits discussion. So far, nothing unusual, after all, the Red Bull Ring has already turned out to be a track limits mecca in recent years. After a subsequent orgy of penalties rained down after the 2023 edition, the FIA ​​and the track operator took action and implemented mobile gravel beds in the critical corners. The solution seemed to be working for the time being. Over the entire weekend, significantly fewer track limits violations were recorded.

And yet, after the Austrian GP, ​​Formula 1 still has to discuss the track limits. It started with Oscar Piastri in qualifying, whose fastest lap time was deleted despite inaccurate evidence, and then in the race it was the other McLaren driver who was affected.

Specifically, it is about one of the already much discussed duels between the two rivals Max Verstappen and Lando Norris. The latter attempted an optimistic maneuver on the inside of Verstappen in the battle for the lead on lap 59 and overshot turn 3 with all four wheels. The problem: Norris had already received three warnings for the track limits. What was somewhat overlooked in all the chaos that followed was the 5-second time penalty that Norris received for this. He served this in the pits before McLaren decided to take the car out of the race due to the damage.

Norris and McLaren were not at all happy with the penalty. The argument: A track limit violation during a duel should not be punished as such. Especially if the defender provokes the track violation through his driving behavior. “This race has definitely given us a lot of good information to improve some aspects that we need to drive a race in such a way that we can enjoy this kind of battle right up to the checkered flag,” said McLaren team boss Andrea Stella.

“If the track limit is that you try to overtake someone and you block a little bit, then I wonder what kind of racing we will have if it is enforced in this way,” the Italian continued. “Because the drivers will not even try to overtake because it will cost them one of the three strikes they have at their disposal.”

Track limits discussion: Andrea Stella calls for changes, but shows understanding

Unlike his protégé Norris, who lost his temper after the race, his team boss showed understanding for the FIA ​​and race director Niels Wittich. “But this problem can be easily solved in my opinion and we are not upset about it,” Stella said in a calm tone.

“We think it’s wrong, but it’s important that it’s addressed for the future because we want to see a distinction between track limits that are genuine because you’re trying to gain an advantage in terms of the racing line, and track limits that come with a big loss of advantage because you’ve gone off track and that have to do with the racing maneuvers that we all enjoy,” Stella continued.

McLaren team boss urges caution: We don’t want Abu Dhabi 2021 reloaded

But it wasn’t just the track limits penalty that McLaren had to deal with. The penalty for Max Verstappen, which the world champion received for the fatal collision with Lando Norris, also didn’t play into the Papayas’ hands. This had no effect whatsoever due to Verstappen’s position on the track. Despite a 10-second penalty, Verstappen remained in fifth place and was thus able to take ten more points from the race. But here too, McLaren boss Stella was understanding. “It’s a difficult thing,” admitted the Italian.

“If the stewards have decided that the 10 seconds is an appropriate penalty, they are to some extent following their rules. It is complicated because sometimes the consequences are minor, but sometimes they are very serious, as in this case when one car was taken out of the race and the other car was badly affected. Sometimes things are complicated. They deserve to be reflected on. I think that the 10 seconds were indeed ineffective today.”

The only thing that is important to the team boss is that the FIA ​​analyzes the issue thoroughly so that scandalous decisions from the past are not repeated. “I am sure that the FIA ​​will see this case, as I said, as an episode that gives us a wealth of cases that should be analyzed to consider how we can move forward, because we do not want to see another Abu Dhabi 2021,” warned Stella. I thought that was not a good point in Formula 1. It may have been entertaining, but not for the right reasons.

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