New Delhi. A film of Govinda and Raaj Kumar was released in the year 1989, named ‘Jung Baaz’. During the shooting of this film, Raaj Kumar did something that left Govinda surprised. Years later, director of the film ‘Jung Baaz’ Mehul Kumar has narrated an interesting anecdote. He told how Raaj Kumar had turned the shirt he had received as a gift from Govinda into a handkerchief.
During an interview with Bollywood Thikana, Mehul Kumar said, ‘Once Govinda came to the set wearing a very nice colourful shirt, which Rajkumar praised. Govinda felt that he had really praised him, so he immediately took off the shirt and gifted it to Rajkumar. The next day Rajkumar brought a handkerchief made of the same shirt to the set and was seen wiping his hands and nose with it. Mehul Kumar further said, ‘When Govinda saw that Rajkumar had made a handkerchief out of the shirt given by him, he did not say anything but at that time he must have found it strange.’