New Delhi: Pistol shooter Manu Bhaker has returned to India after creating history in the Paris Olympics. She has won two medals. Actor John Abraham got a chance to meet Manu Bhaker on her arrival. He has shared a picture of his meeting with Manu Bhaker on Instagram. In the photo, both of them can be seen flashing a big smile in front of the camera. In the picture, John is holding one of Manu’s medals, while he is holding the other medal.
John’s pose with Manu Bhaker has not been liked by many fans on social media. Netizens said that John Abraham should not have touched or held Manu’s medals, which she won with her hard work. Some people said that Manu could have easily kept both the medals with herself and the actor could have shared that special moment without holding her medal. John is being trolled because of this picture.
Netizens are criticizing John Abraham
A user wrote on the photo, ‘Sorry, but you have no right to touch a medal won by someone else.’ Another user wrote, ‘Learn to respect the Olympic medal. You have no right to touch that precious thing.’ Manu Bhaker arrived in India on Wednesday morning. She was given a rousing welcome at New Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport, where fans had gathered in large numbers to cheer the two-time Olympic medalist on her homecoming.
Manu Bhaker gave double happiness of victory
Manu Bhaker ended the shooting contingent’s 12-year drought with her double win in Paris. She started India’s medal tally by winning a bronze medal in the 10m air pistol event at the Paris Olympics. She doubled the joy by winning another bronze medal with Sarabjot Singh in the 10m mixed team air pistol event.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 8, 2024, 01:34 IST