When Aamir Khan asked a question, Mahesh Bhatt left the 1998 blockbuster, this filmmaker got a life changing opportunity

Mumbai. Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt made films like ‘Aashiqui’, ‘Sadak’, ‘Arth’, ‘Raj’, ‘Murder’ and ruled Bollywood. Mahesh Bhatt loved direction a lot, but he left the direction of a film midway because of a top hero. The actor forced Mahesh Bhatt to leave the film midway, after which Mahesh’s brother Vikram Bhatt took charge of the film. This film, which came in the year 1998, proved to be a blockbuster. The name of the film is ‘Ghulam’, in which Aamir Khan played the lead role.

You will be surprised to know that neither Mahesh Bhatt nor Vikram Bhatt was supposed to direct ‘Ghulam’, but Aamir Khan himself was supposed to direct it. Mahesh Bhatt told about this incident related to ‘Ghulam’ in an interview given to Indian Express. Mahesh said that Aamir asked him if he could give all his dedication and life to make ‘Ghulam’?

Mahesh Bhatt refused to answer this question of Aamir Khan. Mahesh told him that his perspective towards film making has changed a lot. He said, “I decided to quit films. I told Aamir, I don’t think films mean so much to me that I should dedicate my whole life to it. It doesn’t mean that much to me, and if I say otherwise, I would be lying.”

Mahesh Bhatt said that Aamir was quite surprised by his honesty and frankness. Mahesh then recommended Vikram Bhatt for direction. He said, “I told him that if there is one person who can give his life for directing this film, it is Vikram Bhatt. When I saw ‘Ghulam’, I announced on stage that he has made a better film than me!”

Mahesh Bhatt praised Vikram Bhatt’s dedication and skill. He said, “This is the victory of a guru… that he can give his flame to an extinguished candle, but when the flame becomes a shining sun, you drown in it, it is amazing.” This film proved to be life changing for Vikram Bhatt’s career.

Tags: Aamir Khan, Mahesh Bhatt

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