Famous stand-up comedian Munawar Faruqui has once again been embroiled in controversy. This time he said something about the people living in Konkan, Maharashtra, which angered the BJP and Shiv Sena Shinde faction. Both parties warned that if Munawar did not apologize, he would be taught a lesson. However, seeing the controversy growing, Munawar apologized and said that he did not intend to hurt anyone.
Actually, Munavvar cracked a joke during his performance in Taloja, which led to a controversy. In the video of this show, Munavvar is heard saying that ‘Konkani people make a fool…’ There is a burst of laughter at his statement. However, not everyone liked this joke and this comedian got caught in a new controversy.
BJP and Shiv Sena got angry on Munavvar’s joke
BJP leader Nitesh Rane warned him and said, ‘The tongue of the green snake named Munavvar has started moving too much. He is using abusive language for the people of Konkan. We know his whereabouts very well. If he does not apologize, it will not take much time to send this green snake to Pakistan.’
On the other hand, Samadhan Sarvankar, leader of the Shiv Sena Shinde faction, even announced a reward for beating Munnavar. He said, ‘If Munnavar does not apologize to the Konkani people, this Pakistan-loving Munnavar will be trampled wherever he is seen. Make him understand how Konkani people trample. I will give a reward of one lakh rupees to the person who beats Munnavar.’
Munawar apologized
However, seeing the controversy growing, comedian Munawar has apologized. He issued a video message and clarified that the comment about Konkani people was just crowd work. It is a common practice in the field of stand-up comedy, where the comedian makes fun of one of the guests.
Munnavar apologized and said, ‘I have come to know that some people have been hurt by my joke. Being a comedian, I do not want to hurt anyone. The people on whom I made the joke also enjoyed the show a lot. Everyone was there on that show, there were Marathi people, Muslim people, Hindu people. But when we see such things on the internet, they look different, we can understand this. I apologize for this and say sorry to everyone. Jai Hind, Jai Maharashtra.’
Tags: Munawar Farooqui, Shivsena
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 13, 2024, 07:31 IST