New Delhi. Rajkumar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s horror-comedy ‘Stree 2’ continues to dominate the box office. The film has crossed the 200 crore mark in just 5 days. Recently, the success party of ‘Stree 2’ was held, in which the lead star cast of the film attended. Tamannaah Bhatia’s boyfriend Vijay Verma also attended the party. A video has surfaced from the film’s success party, in which Vijay Verma’s reaction to Tamannaah Bhatia’s killer dance is worth watching.
It can be seen in the video that Tamannaah Bhatia is looking very glamorous in a black dress. She is dancing to the song ‘Aaj Ki Raat’ from ‘Stree 2’, then Vijay Verma standing far behind cannot stop himself and starts whistling for girlfriend Tamannaah. While dancing, Tamannaah Bhatia also calls Shraddha to the dance floor and then both of them dance to the song. Director Amar Kaushik, producer Dinesh Vijan, Abhishek Banerjee, Radhika Madan also attended the success party of ‘Stree 2’.
,@tamannaahspeaks Vibing With @ShraddhaKapoor And @kritisanon For #Today’s Night Song From #Stree2 Success Party!#TamannaahBhatia #Tamannaah #ShraddhaKapoor #KritiSanon
— Team Tamannaah ♥︎ (@TeamTamannaah) August 20, 2024