New Delhi. Director and choreographer Farah Khan’s mother Menaka Irani left this world forever at the age of 79. She was ill for a long time. A few weeks ago, she returned home from Mumbai’s Nanavati Hospital. But suddenly her health deteriorated again and she had to be admitted to the hospital again, where she breathed her last on Friday. Farah Khan is very sad after her mother’s death. After hearing this sad news, Bollywood celebs are constantly reaching her house to console her. During this time, Farah’s very special friend Shahrukh Khan also reached her house with his wife Gauri Khan and daughter Suhana Khan to console her.
Farah Khan appeared for the first time after the death of her mother Menaka Irani. Farah is heartbroken after this tragic incident. Shahrukh Khan reached out to his friend in this difficult time. Shahrukh could not see his friend crying and he lovingly embraced him.
Shahrukh reached to meet Farah with Gauri and Suhana
The friendship of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and Farah Khan is one of the hit friendships of Bollywood. When his friend was in deep sorrow, Shah Rukh decided to be with him in this difficult time. He arrived with his wife Gauri and daughter Suhana. While coming out of the house, the paps spotted Farah for the first time after this incident.
Shahrukh gave a ‘magic hug’ to his friend
Papazai Viral Bhayani has shared the video in which both Farah and Shahrukh are seen together. Shahrukh was seen talking and taking care of his friend Farah. He hugged her lovingly. However, the security guards, as usual, covered their faces with umbrellas. Apart from Shahrukh, many film personalities had reached Farah’s house, including Rani Mukherjee, Shilpa Shetty, Shiv Thackeray, MC Stan and Bhushan Kumar.