New Delhi. The entertainment-filled show ‘Laughter Chefs Unlimited Entertainment’ is winning the hearts of people. Many celebs have made the audience laugh out loud by being a part of this show. Now Dr. Aniruddhacharyaji Maharaj is going to be seen as a contestant in the upcoming episode of this ‘Laughter Chefs’. A video of him has surfaced, in which it can be seen that he was given a warm welcome in Mumbai.
Internet sensation Dr. Aniruddhacharyaji Maharaj is all set to appear in the upcoming episode of ‘Laughter Chefs’. He is a famous religious leader and storyteller of Vrindavan. Dr. Aniruddhacharyaji Maharaj’s videos often go viral on social media, which people like very much.
There was a warm welcome outside the set
Dr. Aniruddhacharyaji Maharaj has posted a video on his Instagram handle, in which it can be seen that the paparazzi gave him a rousing welcome on the set of the show. The caption of this post reads, ‘Guruji got a fierce welcome in Mumbai’.