Mumbai. TV actress Daljeet Kaur is trying to move on after separating from her second husband Nikhil Patel. Daljeet describes herself as very strong. After separating from Shalin Bhanot, she has raised her son Jayden alone. After separating from Nikhil, once again the entire responsibility of her son Jayden has fallen on her shoulders alone. Now, while taking care of her son Jayden, the actress is trying to make herself even stronger. Her social media posts and public appearances are proof of this.
Daljeet Kaur has shared two videos on her Insta story. One of the videos is from the balcony of her house, from where the whole of Mumbai is seen glittering at night. She wrote a motivational song and caption- ‘Time to eat, drink and relax’ in the caption of this video.
In the second video, Daljeet Kaur has also shown a glimpse of night drive in the monsoon season. In the video, it can be seen that Mumbai looks beautiful glittering at night. She wrote in its caption, ‘Monsoon and night drive.’ She has also included a blue butterfly emoji in her caption. This emoji means a new beginning.
Daljeet shared a video on Instagram a few days ago, in which she looked quite bold. This is probably a video of her photoshoot. Earlier, she shared many pictures of her having fun with her son Jayden. The beautiful bond between mother and son is seen in these pictures. Daljeet looks very caring in this.
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 27, 2024, 14:28 IST