Mumbai. Kabir Khan, who directed Salman Khan’s blockbuster film ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’, has said about the sequel of this movie that not every blockbuster film needs a sequel. Kabir Khan said that the sequel of the film should be made only when a good story is found and it can be taken forward. In an exclusive conversation with IANS, he said, “Absolutely not. I am the first person to say that not every blockbuster film needs a sequel. This is the reason why I have not made sequels in my film career.”
Filmmaker Kabir Khan said that he has been asked many times to make sequels of his superhit films. He said, “Whenever a successful film of mine has been released, people have said to make a sequel to this film. I was asked to do so after the films ‘New York’, ‘Tiger’ and ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’. But, I never did it. Therefore, I am the first person to say that just because a film is a successful film, its sequel should not be made.”
Talking about films, Kabir Khan said, “A sequel should be made only when you find a story that is worthy of taking that story forward.” Kabir said that he has never said that he is working on the sequel of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’.
Salman Khan’s ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ was a blockbuster.
Kabir Khan gave this opinion on the sequel of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’
Kabir Khan said, “All I have said is that yes, maybe sometimes a good script comes up which is worthy of becoming a sequel to ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’. Then I would love to do it. But, not just because it is one of the most successful films in the industry, it needs a sequel.
This record is in the name of ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’
The film ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ was released in the year 2015. It is the seventh highest-grossing Indian film and the fourth highest-grossing Hindi film. The film also stars Harshali Malhotra, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Nawazuddin Siddiqui.
Tags: Kabir Khan, salman khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 20, 2024, 15:10 IST