New Delhi. Amitabh Bachchan’s show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ is ready to return to the screen with a new season. Big B has started shooting for the show and the new season of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ is going to be telecast from August 12. Now a new update is coming about the show, which has created a lot of excitement among the fans. This time the contestants participating in the show are going to win a double lottery.
Yes, you read it right. This time the contestants participating in KBC will get a chance to double their winning amount. There will be a super question in the show which will give the contestants a chance to double the winning amount, but there is a tremendous twist in it. To answer this question, the contestants will not get any kind of helpline, they will have to answer the question on the basis of their knowledge.
How can you use ‘Dogunastra’
After the 4 initial questions of the show, a super question will be put in front of the contestants which they will have to answer without any helpline or option. If they are successful in doing so, they will get a golden opportunity to use ‘Dogunastra’.
This way the amount will double
By using ‘Dogunastra’, the contestants will get a chance to double the amount once between the sixth and the tenth question. Now if someone uses ‘Dogunastra’ for the 10th question, the amount for that question will be doubled, but the twist is that they will have to answer the question without any helpline. After the addition of ‘Dogunastra’ in the show, the enthusiasm of the audience has increased a lot. With this, this show which has been running for years has got a new twist.
Tags: Amitabh Bachchan, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 3, 2024, 14:28 IST