New Delhi: Kareena Kapoor Khan and Ekta Kapoor have come together once again. Kareena Kapoor will be seen playing an important role in Hansal Mehta’s new film “The Buckingham Murders”, the teaser of which has been released. The new teaser of the film has been released and has caught everyone’s attention, which shows a new angle of Hansal Mehta’s storytelling skills. Hansal Mehta, who is known for working in different genres, is now entering the world of suspense thrillers with an engaging narrative. This is completely different from Kareena Kapoor Khan’s usual fun roles. The teaser of the film suggests that Kareena’s performance will be intense and thrilling, which we have never seen before.
Ekta Kapoor’s support for this project shows how adept she is at choosing great scripts. Thus, her ability to deliver unique content to the audience is once again clearly visible. After Kareena Kapoor Khan’s attractive poster, the teaser has increased the excitement for the full trailer and the film. Kareena is playing the role of a police officer, which has increased the excitement even more. In such a situation, it will be interesting to see how much depth she brings to her role in this mystery thriller. After ‘Veere Di Wedding’ and ‘Crew’, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Ekta R Kapoor have once again teamed up for this film, which is an exciting project in itself.