New Delhi. Even though Shahrukh Khan’s beloved son Aryan Khan stays away from the film screen, he often remains in the headlines. These days Aryan Khan is once again in the news. King Khan’s beloved son Aryan has bought two new flats in Delhi with which he has become the owner of property worth crores. This investment of Aryan Khan has a special emotional connection with his father Shahrukh Khan and mother Gauri Khan.
In fact, their son has bought the same house in Delhi where Shahrukh Khan and Gauri Khan lived before making a name in the film world. According to a report by Economic Times, this property of Aryan Khan is located in Panchsheel Park, Delhi. Where Shahrukh Khan owns a basement and parking. Aryan Khan paid this investment in May 2024. He paid Rs 2.64 crore as stamp duty. The total cost of this house of Aryan Khan is Rs 37 crore.
Shah Rukh’s children, Suhana Khan and Aryan, have made several real estate investments in recent months. In January last year, Suhana bought farmland worth Rs 12.91 crore in the coastal town of Alibaug in Maharashtra. A year later, in February 2024, she bought a beachfront property near Mumbai.
Suhana made her acting debut
Talking about Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan, she made her Bollywood debut with the Netflix film ‘The Archies’ released last year. Her performance in the film received mixed reviews from critics.
Tags: Aryan Khan, Entertainment news., shahrukh khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 29, 2024, 15:22 IST