New Delhi. The entire Bollywood was shocked by the sudden death of Tisha Kumar, 20-year-old daughter of T-Series co-founder and actor Krishan Kumar. Tisha was battling a deadly disease like cancer for a long time. Tisha lost the battle against this disease and breathed her last on 18 July. She died in Germany. Tisha’s funeral took place on 23 July. After this, her prayer meeting was held on 24 July. Many Bollywood stars attended this condolence meeting. Now an emotional video has surfaced from this condolence meeting, in which singer Sonu Nigam is seen crying bitterly.
T-Series has had a relationship with Sonu for more than 30 years. Both are very special friends. Sonu has given many superhit songs in collaboration with T-Series. Sonu has seen Krishna’s daughter Tisha grow up.
In the video that has surfaced, it can be seen that Sonu Nigam first sings a song remembering Tisha. After this, he becomes emotional on stage. He goes to Krishna Kumar crying with a broken heart and puts his head in his lap and starts crying bitterly. Krishna is seen consoling Sonu during this time. However, Krishna and his family also get emotional seeing Sonu crying.
#SonuNigam gets emotional at Tishaa Kumar’s prayer-meet
— Diksha Sharma (@DikshaS89544134) July 24, 2024