New Delhi. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s fans were very worried about his health when they came to know that King Khan is suffering from eye disease. He will now go to America for treatment. However, he has not given any official statement yet. Amidst all this, he was seen in Mumbai on Wednesday night. He attended director Siddharth Anand’s birthday party at midnight.
This video of Shahrukh Khan has been shared by Bollywood photographer Varinder Chawla on his Instagram. During this, he looked very smart in loose denim and black T-shirt. He paired his casual look with a cool matching jacket to make it even better. However, he covered his eyes with a heavy frame black glasses. He was seen protecting himself from the flash light of the camera.
Let us tell you that Siddharth Anand had directed Shahrukh Khan’s film Pathan. Shahrukh made a comeback in films after five years with this film released in 2023. The film was a hit at the box office as soon as it was released and broke many records. It became a Bollywood blockbuster film by collecting more than Rs 1000 crore at the box office.