Salman Khan took a risk for an innocent, Bhaijaan is the first Indian to do this, the world salutes him for this reason

New Delhi. Salman Khan is once again in the news for his generosity. A throwback video of Bhaijaan is going viral, in which he is seen with a little girl. In the video, he is seen with the girl whose life he saved. He gave that girl a new world by donating bone marrow in the year 2010. A few days after this, he promised to donate his bone marrow to Marrow Donor Registry India (MDRI).

According to a 2010 Zee News report, Dr. Sunil Parekh, who was on the board of MDRI at the time, confirmed the news. He said, ‘People suffering from the disease and I thank Salman Khan for coming forward and raising our issue.

Four years ago, Salman had read about a little girl called Pooja who needed a bone marrow transplant. He asked his entire football team to donate bone marrow. Unfortunately, they all backed out at the last moment, and only Salman and Arbaaz (Salman’s brother and actor Arbaaz Khan) came forward to donate and became the first donors.

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