New Delhi. David Dhawan has given many superhit films as a director. He made films for superstars like Amitabh Bachchan, Rajesh Khanna, Anil Kapoor, Ajay Devgan, Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar and also improved their careers. However, David Dhawan’s favorite hero was Govinda. Their pair was very famous in the 90s. Whenever David made films with Govinda, his film proved to be a hit at the box office. This trend continued for many years. However, in a few years, both of them stopped doing films together.
Now after a long time, David Dhawan talked about Govinda. He remembered the days of directing the film Partner. Let us tell you that this film was released in the year 2007. Salman Khan and Govinda were the lead actors in this film. Katrina Kaif was the lead actress in the film. The film proved to be a success at the box office. Now 17 years after the release of this film, David Dhawan revealed that Salman was not ready to do this film.
In a conversation with Bollywood Bubble, David Dhawan also talked about working with Salman and Govinda in the film Partner. He recalled that when he discussed this with producer Sohail Khan, he immediately agreed. According to the report, David said, ‘I told Sohail Khan – can we take Govinda and Salman Bhai?’ He said that great. I went to Salman Bhai, he was not very keen. I told him, ‘Come on man, let’s do it, what else would be a big thing’. David then recalled an incident during the shooting and said, ‘One day when we were shooting in Bangkok, Salman told me one day and said that David yaar, there is no benefit in fighting with him.’ Salman Khan was talking about Govinda.
Interestingly, Govinda once revealed that Salman Khan called him and asked him to give this film to him instead of David Dhawan’s Judwaa. Govinda agreed and Salman played a double role in this film which proved to be a milestone in his early career.
Tags: Govinda, salman khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 30, 2024, 19:23 IST