New Delhi. For the past several days, it was being discussed that Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad have broken up, but both of them put an end to these discussions. Hrithik and Saba were spotted together on Sunday. Both went together to give a film. During this, Saba was seen holding Hrithik’s hand. Both the actors were wearing masks. Fans were speculating that the two, who have been dating for the past few years, have separated. However, Hrithik and Saba put an end to these speculations and decided to go on a movie date.
Paparazzi Viral Bhayani has shared a video of the couple. In this video, Hrithik and Saba were seen holding each other’s hands first inside the theater and then coming out. Hrithik and Saba were wearing masks and casual clothes. They completed their look with sunglasses.