Ranbir Kapoor will start shooting for Ramayana from August, 12 movie sets under construction to show Ayodhya and Mithila | Ranbir Kapoor will start shooting for Ramayana from August: 12 grand sets are being built in Mumbai to show the ancient cities of Mithila and Ayodhya

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Preparations for the second schedule of the film Ramayan, being directed by Nitesh Tiwari, have begun. Ranbir Kapoor is going to start shooting for the film from August. 12 grand sets are being prepared for this mythological film.

The set will be ready by mid-August

Before the shooting of the film Ramayana, grand sets are being prepared in Mumbai. According to mythology, 12 sets are being built in Mumbai to shoot scenes of the ancient cities Ayodhya and Mithila, which will be ready by mid-August. As soon as the sets are ready, Ranbir Kapoor will start the second shooting schedule of the film by the end of August.

According to a recent Mid Day report, a 350-day schedule has been prepared for the shooting of the film, which includes individual scenes of the actors and other scenes. Ranbir Kapoor is playing the role of Lord Shri Ram in the film, while Sai Pallavi is playing the role of Mata Sita in the film. Ranbir and Sai have already shot the first schedule of the film, from where their first look has also been revealed. The shooting of the film is expected to be completed by December 2025.

Ramayana film will be made in 835 crores

There are reports that Nitesh Tiwari’s film Ramayan is being made on a mega budget of Rs 835 crore. If the reports turn out to be true, then this film will become India’s most expensive film. Currently, India’s biggest budget film is Kalki 2898 AD, which was made on a budget of Rs 600 crore.

Ramayana will be made in 2 parts

Nitesh Tiwari was initially going to make the film in a single part, but to establish the characters in depth and demand of the script, he has decided to make the film in 2 parts. Both the parts will be shot simultaneously in a shooting schedule of 350 days. According to Bollywood Hungama report, the first part will be made around Lord Rama’s childhood, marriage to Mata Sita and exile.

The casting of the film Ramayana will be like this

Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi are playing the roles of Lord Shri Ram and Mata Sita in the film. Kannada superstar Yash is going to play the role of Lankeshwar Ravana in the film, while Sunny Deol will play the role of Hanuman in the film. Lara Dutta is playing the role of Shurpanakha. Actor Kunal Kapoor has also signed the film, although information about what role he has been given has not been revealed yet.

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