New Delhi. South film star Pranitha Subhash and businessman Nitin Raju are going to have a baby again. Pranitha herself has informed the fans about her second pregnancy through social media. Let us tell you that earlier Pranitha gave birth to a daughter in the year 2022. Her daughter is now 2 years old.
Pranitha Subhash has shared this good news by sharing some of her pictures on her official Instagram. She wrote in the caption, ‘Round 2… pants don’t fit anymore!’. In the picture that has surfaced, Pranitha is seen flaunting her baby bump. The pregnancy glow on her face is worth seeing. Fans are commenting on Pranitha’s post and congratulating her on becoming a mother for the second time.
Pranitha Subhash got married during the Corona lockdown. She was married to businessman Nitin Raju on May 30, 2021 in the presence of her family members. A year after marriage, in the year 2022, she welcomed her first child into the world.
Pranitha Subhash made her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Hungama 2’. After this film, she was also seen in Ajay Devgan’s film ‘Bhuj: The Pride of India’. However, both of her films failed to win the hearts of the audience. Although Pranitha proved to be successful in Bollywood, her name is very popular in the South film industry. She is a superhit actress of Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam.
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 25, 2024, 14:23 IST