New Delhi. The winners of the 70th National Film Awards have been announced on 16 August. Rishab Shetty has received the National Award for Best Actor for ‘Kantara’ and Neena Gupta has received the National Award for Best Supporting Actress for ‘Unchai’. At the same time, Nithya Menon has been chosen as the Best Actress for the Gujarati film ‘Kutch Express’ and Manasi Parekh for the movie Thiruchitrambalam.
The National Award winners will be felicitated by the President of India at a ceremony which will be held in New Delhi in the coming days. During this ceremony, the winners will not only be honoured with medals but they will also be given cash prizes. According to the Indian Express report, those who win the Golden Lotus are given an amount of Rs 3 lakh.
Who will get how much money?
Silver Lotus winners are given a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh. In this way, Rishabh Shetty will get Rs 2 lakh along with the Silver Lotus. Nithya Menon and Manasi Parekh, who won the National Award for Best Actress, will share the amount of Rs 2 lakh. Director Anand Ekta will be awarded Rs 3 lakh. Ayan Mukherjee and Sooraj Barjatya will also get a cash prize of Rs 3 lakh each. At the same time, Neena Gupta will get a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh.