New Delhi. Bollywood’s powerful actor Manoj Bajpayee has been active in the film industry for the last 2 decades. He has won the hearts of his fans by playing different types of characters. Recently Manoj Bajpayee talked about Yash Chopra’s ‘Veer Zara’. In this, he shared the screen with Shahrukh Khan and Preity Zinta. Manoj Bajpayee says that there should have been some more scenes of his character in the film.
During an interview with Radio Nasha, Manoj Bajpayee said, ‘My experience of working in Veer Zaara was good, but the reality is that I shot for the film for three days in Delhi and then one day in Amritsar. My work was over in four days. I was a guest in the film. However, Yash Chopra and his team gave me a lot of respect. I was happy that I worked in the film of a person like Yash Chopra.’
Yash Chopra was a fan of Manoj Bajpayee’s acting
The actor said, ‘He (Yash Chopra) told me that this is the only role I have right now. I mostly make romantic films. He had seen my film Pinjar and was impressed by my performance. After this, he cast me for that role.’
My character should have had some more scenes
Manoj Bajpayee further said, ‘I know it was a love story and the focus is more on the hero and heroine of the film, but I think there should have been some more scenes to show my character more grey. You must have seen that his fiancée has cheated on him. I believe there should have been a scene where they should have shown that something completely wrong has happened to the character. There was only one scene where he talks to Shahrukh’s character, but I think there should have been one more scene to justify the character.
‘Veer Zaara’ became the highest grossing film in the year 2004
It is worth mentioning that ‘Veer Zaara’, directed by Yash Chopra, was released in the year 2004. Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini and Rani Mukerji played important roles in it. The film proved to be a superhit at the box office. It proved to be the highest grossing film of the year 2004.
Tags: Entertainment news., Manoj Bajpayee, preity zinta, shahrukh khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 3, 2024, 18:37 IST