New Delhi. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor got married in a private ceremony in the year 2022. Not many people from Bollywood attended the couple’s wedding. Recently, Ranbir Kapoor attended Kapil Sharma’s show. He joined the show with his mother and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor and sister Riddhima Sahni. During this, Ranbir made many interesting revelations related to his marriage. In a conversation with the comedian, the actor told how much money he had given to Alia Bhatt’s sisters in the ritual of Juta Churai.
During ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, Kapil Sharma said that he has heard that he had given crores of rupees to his wife Alia’s girl gang for stealing shoes. On this, the actor said that this is not true. However, he further told that Alia’s girl gang had demanded lakhs of rupees from him, but he negotiated and brought it down to thousands. This made it clear that Ranbir Kapoor had given several thousand rupees to Alia Bhatt’s sister and her friends for the ritual.
It is worth noting that just a few days ago, an old video of Hardik Pandya and Natasha’s wedding went viral. In this video that went viral on social media, the cricketer is seen talking about giving Rs 5 lakh to Natasha’s sisters for the ritual of Juta Churai. Amidst the news of the couple’s divorce, fans became very emotional after watching this video.