New Delhi. Bollywood’s famous actress Kriti Sanon has now made a special place in the hearts of fans with her acting. Kriti is always in the news for her professional life, but she does not expose her personal life much. Recently she celebrated her 34th birthday. Netizens claim that she was with her rumored boyfriend Kabir Bahia on her birthday. A video of the actress is going viral, in which the actress is seen smoking a cigarette. While some people got a chance to troll Kriti, some of her fans are getting angry about her trolling.
There is always some news about Kriti Sanon’s love life. Recently, the actress’ name was linked with South superstar ‘Prabhas’. However, both the stars kept silence on these news. Now there is talk that she is dating UK-based businessman Kabir Bahia. A video is going viral on the social media platform Reddit, in which it is being claimed that the actress is seen smoking cigarettes.
Fans came out in support
When the video of the actress smoking a cigarette went viral, a discussion started. Seeing the post, many users came out in support of the actress. One user wrote after watching the video- ‘I don’t understand the point. So what if people smoke? She is on vacation, she can do whatever she wants which is not illegal.’ Another user wrote- ‘If she is drinking, let her drink. This is not a big deal’. A fan of Kriti wrote- ‘What is there to make an issue in this? It’s her life, whatever she does.’
Kristi Sanon smoking in Greece
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