New Delhi. The stunt based reality show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’ hosted by Rohit Shetty is getting more interesting with each passing episode. Recently, popular contestant Asim Riaz was eliminated from the show after having an argument with Rohit Shetty. Now once again a contestant is seen repeating Asim’s mistakes and this is none other than popular TV actor Shalin Bhanot.
In the promo of the show shared by Colors TV, Rohit Shetty is seen lashing out at Shaleen Bhanot and his friend Abhishek Kumar. Actually, during a task, Shaleen Bhanot had to collect flags by standing on a platform hanging in the sky. He collected the flags but instead of standing on the platform, he sat on it.
Ignored the words of co-contestants
Shalin Bhanot’s co-contestants shout at him from below and ask him to stand on the platform and do the task, but he ignores everyone. When he comes down after finishing the task, Rohit Shetty looks very angry with him, on which Shalin lies to justify himself. Co-contestant Karanvir Mehra exposes his lie, on which Shalin shouts at him.