New Delhi. An interesting promo of Rohit Shetty’s hosted show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’ has surfaced. Krishna Shroff’s stunt in this promo is worth watching. She has won everyone’s heart by doing stunts amidst snakes and insects. However, she can be seen screaming in the video.
In fact, in the latest episode, Rohit Shetty gave a special two-minute task. In this game, they had to jump from a platform onto a swing, then reach another platform to collect a flag before returning to the first platform, all while it was hanging in the air above a river. The stunt was difficult and many had to struggle. However, Krishna impressed everyone by collecting two flags within two minutes, a task that none of his female contestants could do. Krishna completed it. In this way, she emerged as a strong competitor.
After this, Krishna was up against five more contestants on Sunday. During the task, the contestants had to collect a disc while walking on a rolling platform with the help of a rope. They had a snake around their neck and what increased the difficulty level of the task was the creepy-crawly insects that were being dropped on them from above. While Krishna could not collect the disc, she was the last person to exit the task, which saved her from the elimination round. This task not only strengthened Krishna as a strong contender.