New Delhi: KK Menon’s next series ‘Murshid’ will soon hit OTT, the trailer of which has been released. After watching the trailer, netizens are liking its story along with KK Menon’s character. Fans are calling it ‘strong’. From the busy streets of Mumbai to the glittering streets of Dubai and the historical streets of Allahabad, ‘Murshid’ takes the audience to a world where not every ‘brother’ is your brother and family relationships can turn into a web of conspiracy.
The trailer takes viewers into the world of Mumbai’s criminal underworld, where retired don Murshid Pathan reluctantly returns to the life he thought he had left behind. The former gangster faces a challenge to deal with a treacherous situation when his former rival Farid (Zakir Hussain) ties Murshid’s son up in a dangerous plot.
The story of the series is interesting
Murshid fights to protect his family and legacy while being pursued by Inspector Kumar Pratap Rana (Tanuj Virwani), who is also his adopted son. Talking about the show, KK said, ‘It was really exciting for me to play Murshid Pathan in this gangster thriller. I have always been attracted to complex characters and Murshid is exactly that. A former don turned philanthropist, who returns to the underworld to protect his family.’