New Delhi. Rohit Shetty’s stunt based reality show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’ is making a lot of headlines these days. As the show progresses, the competition among the contestants is increasing. Meanwhile, a contestant has been eliminated from the show and her name is Aditi Sharma. She was selected for the elimination task, but she lost to Shaleen Bhanot. Now Aditi Sharma has shared her experience about ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’.
In the fourth week of the show, Aditi Sharma’s journey ended with a big task. Aditi Sharma faced Shaleen Bhanot in a stunt involving scorpions, but despite all her efforts, she lost. After this, Aditi Sharma was shown the way out of the show ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’.
Aditi Sharma shared her experience
According to IANS, Aditi Sharma shared her experience about the show and said, ‘I am grateful to ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14′ for this wonderful journey of self-discovery. From facing my biggest fear to facing the danger, I have grown in ways I never imagined.’