New Delhi: The 5th episode of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 16’ started with roll over contestant Simran Bajaj. She gave correct answers to Amitabh Bachchan’s initial questions in the last episode. Amitabh Bachchan initially asked Simran Bajaj a super question, which she answered correctly and got ‘Dogunastra’, but despite playing well, she could win only Rs 1 lakh 60 thousand from the quiz show.
Simran Bajaj could not answer the question asked for Rs 3 lakh 20 thousand. The question on which she quit the game is as follows-
The cultural landscape encompassing the centres of production of which plant in Colombia was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011?
The options are- A. Wheat, B. Coffee, C. Tea, D. Sugar
The correct answer to the question number 3 lakh 20 thousand is – Coffee. Simran Bajaj knew the answer to the question, but she was not sure about the answer. After she quit the game, Amitabh Bachchan asked her to answer the question. She chose option B which was correct.
The contestants arrived in KBC 16 in wedding attire
Simran quit the game for fear of losing the winning amount and returned home with 1 lakh 60 thousand rupees. After quitting the show, she spoke about a big thing. She said that I have learned a big lesson from this that it is very important to have confidence in yourself. Interestingly, Simar reached the set of KBC wearing a wedding dress, for which she gave an interesting reason. The contestant told Big B that she did not want to get married, yet she got married. Actually, Pandit ji had told her that if she gets married, many options will open up for her in life. She called her husband lucky, whom she married in May.
Tags: Amitabh Bachchan, Who will become a crorepati?
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 16, 2024, 23:20 IST