New Delhi: Kareena Kapoor was not thrilled with the blockbuster success of Imtiaz Ali’s film ‘Love Aaj Kal’. She was then dating the lead actor of the film, Saif Ali Khan. She did not hide her disappointment at losing the role. She even mentioned it at an award function. However, Imtiaz Ali was not at all happy with her displeasure. He then told ‘The Indian Express’, ‘I did not feel good about what Kareena said in public. I felt bad because we had resolved the issue and I did not realize that she still feels so bad about it.
In an interview with Filmfare, Deepika Padukone was told about Kareena Kapoor’s desire to act in ‘Love Aaj Kal’, and she shrugged it off by saying, “I don’t know about this. There was no such conversation with Saif. I never raised this issue. But I know one thing that Imtiaz was always keen to work with me in this special film, which happened.”
Imtiaz Ali wanted to make a film with Deepika Padukone
Deepika said that it is not right to expect that she will have her boyfriend in every single film of hers. She said that the director chooses the actors based on his vision and when she came to know why Kareena felt that way, she thought that it was absurd to believe that her real-life boyfriend would always be her co-star. Deepika had said, ‘I don’t expect that every film of mine will be with my boyfriend. I think it is a bit funny. I know that as an actor I have to work with different kinds of people. A director knows what kind of characters he wants in his film and what kind of actors can play those characters. So it would be a bit childish to expect that my boyfriend will be my co-star in every film of mine.
Saif Ali Khan respected Imtiaz Ali’s decision
Saif Ali Khan supported the idea of casting Kareena, but he respected director Imtiaz’s choice. He said in an interview with Zoom, ‘When your personal and professional life become one, it is hard to feel clearly about things. Of course, I miss her a lot and I want her to be in the film, but you have to be true to your director and this is the casting he wanted and we followed it. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor are now married and have two sons – Taimur and Jeh.
Tags: deepika padukone, kareena kapoor, saif ali khan
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 31, 2024, 22:50 IST