New Delhi. Janhvi Kapoor was admitted to the hospital recently. Due to food poisoning, the actress’ condition became so bad that she had to be admitted to the hospital. A close relative of the actress’s family told the Indian Express that Janhvi Kapoor was admitted to HN Reliance Hospital, after which her fans were very worried. The actress’s father Boney Kapoor told that Janhvi is now much better than before and she has been discharged.
This was the first time the ‘Dhadak’ actress was admitted to the hospital and it was a very terrifying experience for her. In an interview to Times Now, Janhvi Kapoor says, ‘I went to Chennai for half a day. I think I ate something wrong at the airport or I don’t know what happened’. According to the actress, at first she thought that maybe she had a stomach infection, but it was not so.
remembered the painful scene
Recalling the painful scene of battling food poisoning, Janhvi Kapoor says that when she got a blood test done, it was found that she did not have a stomach infection but something else. Everything was wrong with her blood test. She said, ‘When my stomach ache was cured, I started feeling pain in my body and then weakness’.
There was concern about looking fit
While staying in the hospital, Janhvi Kapoor was worried about her upcoming film ‘Uljh’. She was worried about looking fit during the shooting of the film’s song and promotion. The actress told that while battling the disease, she felt as if her body had become paralyzed. She was feeling handicapped. She was not even able to go to the bathroom on her own.
Apart from ‘Uljh’, Janhvi Kapoor will be seen in director Rakesh Omprakash Mehra’s upcoming drama film ‘Karna’. Surya and Shahid Kapoor will be seen in the lead roles along with the actress in this film.
Tags: Bollywood actress, Entertainment news., Janhvi Kapoor
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 24, 2024, 17:07 IST