New Delhi: Actress Hina Khan is battling stage 3 breast cancer. The actress is undergoing treatment at Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai. She is undergoing chemotherapy. She shared a selfie video on Instagram and said that her health is improving. This health update is no less than good news for her well-wishers. In the video, Hina Khan is seen in a floral outfit.
A dialogue can be heard in the video, which says, ‘The most beautiful things in life are not just things, they are people and places, memories and photos. Emotions and moments and smiles and laughter.’ She has shared a heart emoji in the caption of the video. In the stories section, Hina wrote in the caption – ‘Healing’, meaning she is getting well. A fan commented on the post, ‘The pain is visible in your eyes.’ Another user said, ‘Pain, fear and bravery are visible together in your eyes. May God give you strength.’