New Delhi. Famous Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has proved his acting prowess not once but many times. Nawazuddin came to Mumbai with a dream of doing something in Bollywood. At one point, he was about to leave the industry, then Anurag Basu stopped him and gave him a small role in his film. Today he is called the king of the industry.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui got a big recognition from the movie Gangs of Wasseypur which was released in 2012. Even before this, he had played many small roles. But this movie made him a star overnight. Anurag Kashyap himself had revealed that he met Nawaz for the first time in a train. When he offered him a role, he readily agreed to do even a small role. Once Anurag even scolded him asking why he was overacting.
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once used to work as a watchman
Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has struggled a lot in the beginning of his career. During that time, his condition was so bad that many times he did not even have money to meet his expenses. During that time, he also worked as a watchman. Nawazuddin Siddiqui himself revealed that he is not from a poor family, but he did not want to take money from his home.
Ready to be a waiter for 500 rupees
Anurag Kashyap had revealed in one of his interviews that he met Nawazuddin for the first time in a train. There he offered a role to the actor and also told him that this role was not suitable for him. But Nawazuddin had said that if he gets five hundred rupees, he will do any role. After this, he got a chance to play the role of a waiter in the film Shool.
Let us tell you that Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who was once dependent on every penny, has become so lucky that today he owns property worth crores on the basis of his talent. According to the report of Times Now, the total property of the actor in the year 2024 is said to be Rs 124 crore and he charges a fee of about Rs 10 crore for each of his films.
Tags: Anurag Kashyap, Nawazuddin Siddiqui
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 16, 2024, 16:33 IST