New Delhi. Hollywood film ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ is earning a lot of money at the Indian box office, beating Bollywood and Tollywood films. The film has collected more than 43 crores in just two days. The film is earning better than Indian films at the Tamil, Telugu and Hindi box office. According to the report of Saccanilk, ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ collected 21 crores in India on the first day, in which the English version earned 10.9 crores, Hindi 8.1, Telugu 90 lakhs and Tamil 1.1 crores.
‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ collected Rs 22.65 crore on the second day i.e. Saturday. The film earned Rs 12.6 crore in English version, Rs 8.2 crore in Hindi, Rs 70 lakh in Telugu and Rs 1.15 crore in Tamil. The film has collected a total of Rs 43.65 crore in two days. This Hollywood film has put a brake on the pace of Indian films.
Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Bad News’ box office collection
Vicky Kaushal, Tripti Dimri and Amy Virk starrer ‘Bad News’ collected Rs 3.25 crore on the second Saturday of its release. The film has earned Rs 48.25 crore in 9 days. At the same time, Akshay Kumar and Radhika Madan’s ‘Sarfira’ collected around Rs 33 lakh on the 16th day. The film has earned Rs 23.07 crore so far.
Dhanush’s ‘Ryan’s’ ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ slows down the pace
Dhanush starrer ‘Ryan’ has been highly praised by critics. The film has got a good opening in Tamil Nadu. But ‘Deadpool and Wolverine’ have put a break on its pace. ‘Ryan’ collected a total of Rs 13.65 crore on the first day, in which it earned Rs 11.85 crore in Tamil, Rs 1.6 crore in Telugu and Rs 20 lakh in Hindi.
Box office collection of Dhanush’s ‘Raayan’ and ‘Kalki 2898 AD’
On the other hand, ‘Raayan’ collected Rs 13.75 crore on the second day. Thus, Dhanush’s film has collected Rs 27.4 crore in two days. Talking about the multi-starrer film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ released last month, it earned Rs 2.9 crore on the 31st day. The film collected a total of Rs 628 crore in India.
Tags: Box Office Collection, dhanush movie, Hollywood Movies, Vicky Kaushal
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 28, 2024, 11:33 IST