New Delhi: Daljeet Kaur is in the news due to her divorce from husband Nikhil Patel. The actress shared a cryptic note on her Instagram stories on Thursday, May 25. The actress talked about the injustice done to her and questioned those who saw the wrong happening. She wrote in her post, ‘In the end the question is who saw the wrong happening and found it was wrong. When it was happening, he told me that it was wrong. He also had the courage to stand with me.’
Daljeet further said that she does not know what will happen to her in the future, but she has expressed faith in God to decide the way forward. She further said, ‘I also want to see what will happen next in this journey and who were those who stood with me and who were those who chose the convenience of being on both sides. I am moving forward with the faith of God. Also, the universe also gave me a chance to know the truth of all the people around me. Whether the relationship is of years or one year, but I want to see that humanity gets a chance.’
It was difficult for Daljeet Kaur to settle in Kenya
Rumours of Daljeet and Nikhil’s divorce first surfaced in February this year. However, Nikhil confirmed their breakup in May. He told E-Times, ‘In January this year, Daljeet decided to leave Kenya with her son and return to India, due to which we have separated. We both realized that our family foundation was not as strong as we had hoped, making it difficult for Daljeet to settle in Kenya. In March 2023, we hosted a marriage ceremony in Mumbai. Although it had cultural significance, it was not legally binding. The purpose of this ceremony was to give confidence to Daljeet’s family about his moving to Kenya.
First marriage was with Shaleen Bhanot
Daljeet also moved the Nairobi City Court against Nikhil last month and obtained a stay order to prevent him from evicting her or her son from their house in Kenya. Earlier, Nikhil had also sent a legal notice to the actress and accused her of harassment. According to an ETimes report, Nikhil Patel had denied Daljeet Kaur’s allegations of extramarital affair. Let us tell you that this was Daljeet Kaur’s second marriage. She was previously married to Shalin Bhanot. Daljeet had accused the actor of domestic violence. The two separated in 2015.
Tags: tv actress
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 26, 2024, 24:01 IST