New Delhi. Akshay Kumar is one of the most expensive actors in Bollywood. He charges crores for each of his projects and in such a situation, if someone demands more fees from him, he has to lose the project. 14 years ago, something similar happened with Chef Sanjeev Kapoor. In the year 2010, the cooking reality show ‘Master Chef India’ started in India. Akshay Kumar was one of the 3 judges in the first season of this show.
After Akshay Kumar, this show was offered to India’s biggest chef Sanjeev Kapoor. He agreed to do the show, but put forth a demand in front of the makers that left the show runners stunned and they flatly refused to cast Sanjeev Kapoor in the show. Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor has revealed this in the latest interview with Siddharth Kannan.
Akshay Kumar was the first judge
He says, ‘When MasterChef came, we had already done a show and seen what its future would be. I was approached for MasterChef. As soon as the talks started, I was told that one judge had been finalised and he was Akshay Kumar.’
‘1 Rupee’ proved to be costly
Sanjeev Kumar further says that he told the makers that he would do the show, but he would charge 1 rupee more than Akshay Kumar. He was fired for not paying more than Akshay Kumar. However, after the first season, the makers replaced Akshay Kumar by casting Sanjeev Kapoor.
MasterChef India has had 8 seasons telecasted so far. Sanjeev Kapoor was a part of this popular cooking show from the second season to the fourth season. After him, many other chefs joined the show and Vikas Khanna and Ranveer Brar were the longest-running part of the show.
Tags: Akshay Kumar, akshay kumar movies, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 20, 2024, 13:17 IST