Mumbai. The latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode of ‘Bigg Boss OTT Season 3’ saw a lot of changes. The show also saw the entry of Elvish Yadav and Mr Faisu aka Faizal Sheikh, who came to support YouTubers Lovkesh Kataria and Adnan Khan. Amidst all this drama, the show saw another elimination. Journalist and anchor Deepak Chaurasia got eliminated from the show. As soon as host Anil Kapoor announced Deepak Chaurasia’s name, most of the housemates got emotional.
Ranveer Shorey kept apologizing to Deepak Chaurasia. Meanwhile, Lavkesh Kataria and Sai Ketan Rao and Shivani Kumari started crying. Ranveer had nominated Deepak after winning the veto power in a task. Deepak hugged everyone and wished all the contestants good luck before leaving the Bigg Boss house.
Deepak Chaurasia told Ranvir Shorey that things will not change between them. He also promised to visit Shivani’s ancestral home after coming out of the show. After Deepak Chaurasia left the show, Ranvir Shorey was the most affected. He kept sitting alone near the smoking room and Vishal, Nazi tried to cheer him up.
Later, Vishal and Lovkesh Kataria sat with them and praised Deepak Chaurasia. Ranveer said that he was the most real person in the house and Lovkesh said that Deepak always guided him for his betterment. Vishal said that he was like a father to him on the show. Those nominated for elimination for this week included Lovkesh Kataria, Vishal Pandey, Sana Sultan, Adnan Sheikh, Sana Maqbool, Armaan Malik and Deepak Chaurasia. Adnan Sheikh recently entered the show as a wildcard contestant.
Tags: Bigg Boss, Bigg Boss OTT
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 22, 2024, 07:46 IST