Mumbai. Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar, who was recently seen in the streaming film ‘Bhakshak’, has praised the work of the Sikkim government towards environmental protection. According to the official order recently issued by the Tourism and Civil Aviation Department of Sikkim, now all tourist vehicles entering Sikkim will have to compulsorily carry a large garbage bag. The order states that its purpose is to ensure community participation in achieving the goal of environmental sustainability. Now after this order of the government, Bhumi has written a post.
Bhumi Pednekar has shared a reel on her Instagram stories, which explains how this scheme will increase environmental awareness among people. Netizens are liking this post of Bhumi Pednekar a lot.
Talking about work, Bhumi is all set to make her OTT series debut with ‘Daldal’. In this series, she will play the challenging role of a police officer. The actress has described her character in the show as a super achiever who redefines the rules of the male-dominated world.
Bhumi had earlier called ‘Daldal’ one of her most special projects for several reasons. The actress has begun shooting for it and said that it is undoubtedly one of her most challenging roles to date. Bhumi said that it has been a very exciting year for her as an artiste.
FIRST PUBLISHED : July 23, 2024, 16:31 IST