New Delhi. Armaan Malik’s first wife Payal Malik has been admitted to the hospital. On Tuesday, Armaan’s second wife Kritika shared a vlog on her YouTube channel. In this, she told that Payal was taken to the hospital as she was feeling unwell at home. Kritika claimed that Payal’s heartbeat increased and blood pressure dropped significantly, which made everyone in the family worried.
Payal was rushed to the hospital where the doctor advised her to get admitted as her ECG report was also not normal. A cardiologist was then consulted. Kritika claimed that several tests have been done and the reports are awaited. Payal Malik entered the ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’ house in June this year along with her husband Armaan and his second wife Kritika. Payal was the first to be eliminated, while Armaan was eliminated from the show during the finale week. Kritika was one of the finalists of ‘Bigg Boss OTT 3’.
However, the trio had to face hate for participating in the reality show and were accused of promoting polygamy. Hence, after being evicted, Payal had expressed her desire to divorce Armaan. In one of her vlogs, she had said, ‘I am fed up with the drama and hate. As long as it was about me, I was fine, but now the hate is coming to my kids. It is very shocking and disgusting. I have decided to separate from Armaan for this reason. He can stay with Kritika while I will take care of the kids.’
But, she soon changed her decision. Later, in another of her vlogs, Payal had shared that she would not divorce her husband Armaan. She had said that she would rather die than be separated from Armaan. Payal had said, ‘I am back with some positivity. Things will get better soon. Your love and support will be with us. After a time, the negativity will also stop. When people will see our happy family, everything will get fine. I am very sure about it. Things were not fine before as well, but everything got fine. Everything will get fine this time too. I know you guys will not stop loving us. It is because of your support that I am able to muster this courage.’
Tags: Bollywood news, Entertainment news.
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 13, 2024, 16:30 IST