New Delhi. A video of Asim Riaz and Rohit Shetty went viral on social media. In this video, Asim was seen having a heated argument with Rohit and also with Abhishek. This video was from the set of ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi 14’. The show is hosted by Rohit Shetty. Asim was participating as a contestant. After this incident, the makers immediately removed Asim. After the video went viral, Asim has been posting continuously. He is describing himself as a man in struggles. At the same time, in the latest post, he is talking about breaking barriers and facing challenges.
Asim Riaz wrote in his first post, “I am made of pain.” In his second post, he wrote, “If you don’t break the barrier, you won’t be able to see the crisis.” Fans are supporting Asim on this post. They are criticizing Rohit Shetty and Abhishek Kumar. Amidst all this, Asim’s younger brother Umar Riaz has also reacted.
Post by Asim Riaz.
Umar Riaz has shared a cryptic post in support of brother Asim Riaz. He wrote, “Don’t degrade someone to such an extent that their worst demons come out! Whatever happens after that is not fair and will never be! Love can do wonders to a person and hate can make him his worst enemy! That’s it!”
Umar Riaz’s post in support of his brother.
Actually, in the first episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Asim Riaz got a task. He is unable to complete this task. He calls it an impossible task. Rohit dispels this misconception of Asim. He shows a video in which a person is seen completing that task. But Asim ignores it and starts arguing with Rohit.
Asim Riaz says, I’m not here for money. I’ve changed 4 cars every 6 months, I’m here for my fans, not for these losers. All this buzz of Khatron Ke Khiladi on internet is because of
— #BiggBoss_Tak (@BiggBoss_Tak) July 28, 2024