New Delhi. In the year 2005, Abhay Deol started his career with Ayesha Takia, who was the heroine of Salman Khan’s film Heroine. As soon as he entered the industry, the actor’s first film did not do anything special. But even though his films could not create a stir at the box office, he definitely got recognition with his strong acting. Now soon he is going to be seen in the film ‘Don’t You Be My Neighbor’.
Almost everyone in Abhay Deol’s family has achieved success. Perhaps stardom was not in his destiny. Not only was this actor’s film career not special, but his luck did not favor him on OTT as well. People may not even remember the names of his series. However, now he is going to try his luck once again in a comedy film.
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Trying his hand in comedy film
Bollywood actor Abhay Deol will be seen with Natasha Bassett in the upcoming romantic comedy film ‘Don’t You Be My Neighbor’. The film will show an unexpected relationship between Jai (played by Abhay) and Emily (played by Bassett). Who have different views on love and life. According to a report, as they both live and experience life in their own way, both of them are challenged to speak their hearts out.
The director is excited about the film
The film is directed by Harry Grewal and the screenplay is written by David Lambertson. Grewal said, ‘We are very excited to bring this light-hearted, serious and funny story to life. Abhay Deol and Natasha Bassett will definitely win the hearts of the audience with their characters through their talent.’
Let us tell you that it is being said that this is a story that needs to be told, and we are very excited to bring this film with our team through this initiative. Talking about the actress of the film, she has previously appeared in the role of Elvis Presley’s first girlfriend Dixie Locke in Baz Luhrmann’s “Elvis”. In 2017, she was also seen in the role of Britney Spears in the Lifetime film, “Britney Ever After”.
Talking about Abhay Deol, he gave a brilliant performance in the comedy film “Dev. D” in 2009. Apart from this, he was also seen in blockbuster films like “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara”, “Happy Bhag Jayegi” and “Road Movie”.
Tags: abhay deol, Bollywood News
FIRST PUBLISHED : August 14, 2024, 16:59 IST