Pakistani flag waving alongside the IMF logo against a backdrop of the budget document for 2024-2025.

“2024/2025 Budget: Pakistan’s Blueprint for Economic Revival and IMF Deal”

The upcoming budget for Pakistan’s fiscal year 2024/2025 is crucial for securing a new bailout deal…

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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressing the Pakistan-China Business Forum in Shenzhen, emphasizing business cooperation between Pakistan and China.

“Security and Support: Shehbaz Sharif’s Commitment to Chinese Ventures”

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to China marks a significant milestone in strengthening bilateral relations and…

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“Public Right to Court Access: Justice Minallah’s Dissent on Live-Streaming”

Justice Minallah’s Stand on Live-Streaming Court Proceedings In a landmark observation, Justice Athar Minallah of the…

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Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif boards a plane, beginning his diplomatic visit to China.

“PM Shehbaz Sharif’s Diplomatic Odyssey: Charting New Horizons in China-Pakistan Relations”

On June 4, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is set to embark on a significant journey, a…

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The Supreme Court of Pakistan building, emphasizing its architectural grandeur, related to the news headline "Supreme Court Convenes Full Bench for Reserved Seats Case."

“Political Tensions Rise as SC Forms Full Bench for Reserved Seats Case”

ISLAMABAD: On Friday, the Supreme Court (SC) formed a full court bench to address the case…

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"Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif addressing a crowd at a political rally."

Nawaz Sharif Assumes PML-N Presidency After 6 Years

In a significant turn of events, the former premier, Nawaz Sharif, has ascended to the presidency…

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An illustration depicting legal and telecom industry elements symbolizing tax compliance and SIM blocking issues.

“Pakistan Taxation Drama: IHC Weighs in on Mobile SIM Shutdown!”

A Significant Development: IHC’s Involvement in SIM Blocking Controversy The recent intervention by the Islamabad High…

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PM Shehbaz Allocates Rs23 Billion to Quell Unrest in AJK

ISLAMABAD: PM Shehbaz has sanctioned an immediate disbursement of Rs23 billion to Azad Jammu and Kashmir…

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Omar Ayub, the distinguished Opposition Leader, delivers a resolute speech in the National Assembly, advocating for constitutional integrity and the delineation of security agency roles within Pakistan's governance.

“Constitutional Precepts and National Security: Ayub’s Stirring Call to Action”

ISLAMABAD: Amidst fervent deliberations within the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, the distinguished Opposition Leader, delivered a…

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Finance Minister Aurangzeb of Pakistan has announced that Pakistan's privatization efforts are picking up steam, with several state-owned enterprises now up for sale. This move signals the government's commitment to reducing state intervention in the economy and encouraging private sector participation. By selling off these enterprises, the government aims to improve efficiency, attract investment, and stimulate economic growth. Aurangzeb emphasized the importance of this privatization drive in revitalizing Pakistan's economy and fostering a more dynamic business environment.

Pakistan’s Privatization Drive Gains Momentum: State-Owned Enterprises on the Block

Finance Minister Aurangzeb contended the nonexistence of tactical state-owned enterprises (SOEs), emphasizing the imperative for privatization…

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