Gunmen free inmate in deadly attack on French prison van.  Gunmen killed two policemen in France: They attacked the police van and took away the dreaded prisoner, 3 people injured

Gunmen free inmate in deadly attack on French prison van. Gunmen killed two policemen in France: They attacked the police van and took away the dreaded prisoner, 3 people injured

Paris5 hours ago

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When the police were taking the prisoner from the Rouen court to the jail, his companions attacked the police at the motorway toll.

In France, on Tuesday (May 14), some gunmen attacked a police van and took away a dreaded prisoner. The attackers killed two policemen, while three people were seriously injured.

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal informed the Parliament that the attack took place in Incarville at 2:30 pm Indian time, when the police were taking the prisoner from the Rouen court to the jail. Meanwhile, his associates attacked the police at the motorway toll.

Atal said that these people have targeted the Republic and justice system of France. One minute silence was observed in Parliament on the death of policemen.

Pictures of the attack…

Panic has spread in France because of gunmen.

Panic has spread in France because of gunmen.

The gunman attackers took away with them a prisoner named Mohammad Amra.

The gunman attackers took away with them a prisoner named Mohammad Amra.

After the attack, the police sealed the entire area.

After the attack, the police sealed the entire area.

Different police teams are searching for evidence at the motorway toll.

Different police teams are searching for evidence at the motorway toll.

Forensic officials have started collecting samples of the vehicles involved in the attack.

Forensic officials have started collecting samples of the vehicles involved in the attack.

The attackers came in two vehicles
Police say that the attackers came in two vehicles. He first hit the police car. Then attacked the police. During this, one attacker was injured.

According to French media AFP, the attackers are wearing black clothes and have heavy weapons. The attackers came in a black car. Now it is not known how many attackers there were.

People present there say that the firing continued between the police and the attackers for two minutes, in which about 30 rounds were fired. Then there was a huge explosion, which sounded like a grenade. After this, bullets were fired twice and the attackers ran away.

This accident has spread panic throughout France. Police have asked people to identify the attackers. The French government is also continuously keeping an eye on this matter.

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